Adventure Family Portrait Photography on a Camping Trip
I’ve gushed about this family before. I first met them to photograph Cole when he was a teeny tiny newborn, and since then have photographed them many more times, met so many members of their amazing family and they’ve turned into a little slice of my own extended family, which I adore. One absolutely incredible thing about being a photographer is when you happen to cross paths with like-minded soul mates while you’re creating the art that you’ve spent your life crafting. It’s the most beautiful happenstance and these three are at the core of it for me.
They had a little camping trip planned and asked if I wanted to join them for a photo session during the camping trip. This couldn’t be more up my alley, so of course I said HECK. YES. I met them there that night where we setup camp and then immediately started a fire for s’mores (DUH). The next morning we made campfire coffee, ate breakfast, played some hide & seek, took a few swings in the hammock and then went over to hike around the park a little bit, climb on some rocks and investigate the strange potholes before parting ways so they could go on a riverboat adventure.
Some of my favorite childhood moments involve camping with my family and I absolutely love that not only are they creating these moments together, but that they will have these images forever to look back on and cherish.
Enjoy! <3